
The wonderful love hormone oxytocin is such an important part of our motherhood journey. But what does it do? 

  • It is the essential hormones to make labour progress.

  • It’s crucial to breastfeeding.

  • It makes you feel good, which helps to reduce your stress levels.

  • It comforts your baby.

  • It makes us feel bonded to our babies.

How can we get more of this wonderful oxytocin stuff?

Touch is one of the strongest stimulators of oxytocin (the love hormone) release. This flood of oxytocin helps you feel connected to and in love with your baby, and promotes the desire to care for them.

It also makes you feel good, which helps to reduce yours and babies stress levels.

Baby massage is a brilliant way to get more skin to skin touch into your day and get your oxytocin fix!


Don't shake the bottle


Baby wearing