Tummy time benefits

Tummy time has a multitude of benefits which support them from birth all the way into their adult lives.

Tummy time is important for helping our little ones meet their full potential confident to explore the wonderful world around them.

These benefits include:

* Supporting the correct formation of the spine, from the C curve of a newborn to the S curve.

* Preventing flat spots on the skull.

* Dissociation of the hips allowing rotatation at the trunk.

* Opening up the upper ribcage, supporting Optimal breathing

* Muscle strength for motor coordination - needed for later milestones such as rolling, crawling, standing & walking

* Postural Stability/Control

* Eye-hand coordination and ocular motor control

* Sensory processing including vestibular (balance & orientation) and proprioceptive (movement grading) 

* School readiness - core stability developed in tummy time is the foundation of being able to sit at a desk to learn.

* Visual Perceptual skills

* Midline crossing and bilateral integration - creating neurological pathways in the brain which aid future learning and allow us to coordinate both sides of our bodies. 

* Attachments and bonding - through loving playful interactions in tummy time.

* Playfulness and curiosity of the world 

* Feeding, digestion & speech development (postural muscles are required for movements of the tongue)


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Tummy to Mummy holds & positions